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For those who don’t know, we had a water heater fail and basically destroyed around 50% of the physical media we had available, so Dawn and I have been working on cleanup the last week. The other downside is, during a mad dash to clean, salvage and move hundreds of pounds of furniture, media, and carrying out 100s of gallons of water by hand, I pretty much messed up my back and reinjured a bunch of stuff that was slowly healing, so physical I’m back at “busted” stage. So it’ll be a slow roll getting back to normal. Back is a little better, everything else is spotty depending on movement, so I’ve been doing minimal things that would aggravate stuff more. So that’s the state of things.

Next Foamy episode will be around Thursday/Friday, Twitch stream tomorrow (probably Pum’Kin Guy easy mode) and I’ll try to get things back to normal asap :(

It’s just been a crap week I’m trying to laugh and not dwell on too much. I tend to focus on moving forward rather than dwell on stuff like this, so hopefully stuff will level off the next few weeks or so. :)



Eek, so sorry! That totally sucks. Rest up. 'Focus on moving forward' is excellent thinking! Good advice for us all :)

Kota D

That doesn't sound like fun. Please do take care of yourselves.