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Lots of IRL stuff has been going on, usual Doctor appointments, working on stuff, trying to get the 8th season of the original Neurotically Yours series finished off for itch & gumroad, catching up on Steve clips (there's a ton of them just sitting in limbo right now and I don't want to flood the YT channel with stuff people aren't super crazy about) :P

Yes, still working on that 2nd issue of the "island series", it's almost done so it will be released at some point along with the card game. Just trying to balance out work/life stuff while I'm in "recovery mode".

So it's been a "good day/bad day" type thing, but stuff is moving along and will hopefully get better? idk. Docs don't really have a clue as to what's going on, though it's probably just severe atrophy from sittin' for 22 years. It's a frustrating slow roll :( 

Anyway, back to a moderate work pace! :)

I'll keep ya posted. 

Next stream Wed at around 12PM ET

Next Foamy Friday :)


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