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What's been accepted by Amazon

Original Series Season 1,2,3,4,6,7 

(Kinda of an odd 'acceptable' grouping considering 6 & 7 were fairly mature, )

Rejected Seasons :

Original Series Season 5 & 8  (No idea why when 6 & 7 were  accepted)

Reboot Series Seasons 1,2,4,5 (Kinda ticked off about that)

Island Series Collection (This one is a mystery as it's barely PG)

Pending Review:

Reboot Series Season 3 (Let's assume it wont be accepted)

Sketch Series Seaon 1-5 (Who knows) 

Chibi Series (both edited and unedited versions) (No idea if this will pass either)

I guess it's good that there's some sort of Foamy presence on Amazon video, but there's SO much content that just won't make it to the platform now. I can try another route, but essentially, I'd have to redo everything and submit episodes individually with each needing it's own subtitles, key art and all sorts of nonsense. And even doing that doesn't mean they'll accept it. So should I invest my time in trying to resubmit something that's already been rejected? Probably not the best use of my time. 


Zhon Lord

Agreed, better to take what wins you can and move forward with the things you WANT to do.