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Nothing Wrong with Wrong : Foamy The Squirrel

There's really nothing wrong with being wrong, but continuing to be, that's the problem. Thanks to everyone for all the support this week : ) illwillpress.com All the Links, 1 spot: https://wlo.link/@illwillpress Help Out if ya can (I'm literally a 1 person here) : PATREON: https://www.patreon.com/jimathers PayPal : https://www.paypal.me/illwillpress Toss a follow if ya can J.i.M. on Twitch! https://www.twitch.tv/jimathers Shirts, Mugs, Stickers & Prints!! https://www.designbyhumans.com/shop/illwillpress/ Original Foamy Episodes on Itch.io https://illwillpress.itch.io/ Foamy Music : Bandcamp https://foamythesquirrel.bandcamp.com/ THANK YOU TO EVERYONE SUPPORTING! It keeps things going :)



Linda Perry said it best: "Minds are just like parachutes. They only work when open!"

Zhon Lord

I confess that I'm guilty of this. I've invested enough time and effort into understanding & integrating information on a subject, that if I'm wrong then it's a SIGNIFICANT error on my part - sometimes enough to be a shameful waste of pursuing the wrong direction. So I try to defend it by pointing out the various aspects of what I understand about it, trying to find if there's any grains of truth in what I thought I knew, and I'm told that it looks and sounds like I'm desperately flailing for some kind of proof of being right. When someone actually manages to break through I do admit it and work to fix the errors in my understanding, but it takes enough outside effort that I'm pretty sure I drive people away. It's certainly not something I'd ever be proud of.


Or directing a conversation into a semantics argument, so without admitting you're wrong, you get to at LEAST make sure no one else is correct, either.


This is the where arguments are mistaken for discussion. :)


The use of logical fallacies in debate exist because we allow. Not sure who said it but it was a quote I saw when I was a teen that helped me stop punching myself down. "Never argue with an idiot, They will drag you down to their level and beat the shit out you with experience."


Jumping out of planes is a bad idea to begin with. :)


You should be proud, that is the biggest hardest step in another direction that anyone can make.. I have had the honor of being the person that was turned to for genuine counsel when they were at that point. They knew what something was wrong, and that they were the conflict in their life. They just needed to to be talked with, not judged or guilt tripped or have their face rubbed in their shit. I am proud that I became the kind of human another could feel safe asking for guidance and super fucking impressed that they turned into the wind and found a better way for themselves. One of them was a local politician in California, Silicon Valley, a childhood friend raised as a good republican but growing up in the era of tea party madness. And while the majority of my crew from that area had blocked him for arguing and judging their lives with that rhetoric we know so well, I don't block people. I don't argue either; not anymore. When he came to me, and soon after did a 180 and went liberal Democrat, I was happy he was happy; but they still were just being assholes to each other.


Oh and I have to give real genuine heart felt props to Mathers and Foamy. Without your unbridled squirrel rage, venting with disgust the cruel stupidty of humans vs Humanity, well speculation is worthless. The reality is that you helped me calm down about the same issues and find ways to affect these human communication rage orgies without jumping in and trying to out fuck the fuckers. Thank you, You and Foamy have been the architect and the voice I needed to hear when dealing with the many related conflicts of our society. I needed to change, as a human I needed a wrecking crew to knock some shit down and rebuild. Sometimes you were my wrecking ball, (no double entendre intended). I am now the kind of person I would ask for advice. I dont know how to make things short and sweet without saccharine, so deal with this long ass post I wrote ,, There is no simple thank you in existence for my gratitude. Titus Aloysius O'Neill

Daniel Thomas Stack

Surprised no one posted the quote yet. "A Mime is a terrible thing to waste." - Marcel Marceau No matter what people consider Truth only Facts will be repeatedly provable. Reality is not as subjective as philosophy.