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Thanks to Lee Thompson! Who took the time to map out the chapter selection for the vod. So the downloads have been updated on both Itch.io & Gumroad to include chapter selection. (Which hopefully is encoded properly) So if you already have this, redownload for chapters.

This should be the standard moving forward, and thanks for being patient in all this. And again, thank you Lee Thompson for putting in the effort :)




Thanks man your efforts are appreciated. Been following you for over 13 years now and I wish you the best. Someday I'd like to complete my collection of your merch, especially the DVDs and books.

Daniel Thomas Stack

All the chapters look good to me. less than a whole second of waiting from each to get into the segment. There's only one with a little of the audio still going from the earlier video but there's almost no gap to land that one in. So it works well.