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For those who don't know, September 10th 2001 was the first day Foamy was introduced to the world! 15 years later, the show has evolved, or devolved depending on how you look at it, into what it is now. 15 years! I usually don't make a big deal about it because the next day is always the yearly anniversary of 9-11, so part of me doesn't really feel right about patting myself on the back for making cartoons. Besides, seems every year some nonsense comes up to derail any sort of celebration, and this year was no different. (Real world stuff sucks)

Anyway, there's not many series that have been around this long, especially on the internet. So thank you for supporting this for what seems like an eternity in internet time. As usual, back to work! Foamy doesn't create itself.... until he makes the robots to do so. 



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