NEW FOAMY! (Patreon)
(Also some Pum'Kin Guy stuff was posted this week on YouTube )
Other than that, still working on everything Foamy. Dabbling in making a game. I have the tools but not the time, so if anything gets done, it'll take forever. Unless I win the lotto or something, then i'll hire a bunch of creative people to get Neurotically Yours out to everyone in game form.
Also made a ton of progress on the Pum'Kin Guy Halloween Special, which has been more work than a standard cartoon for some reason. Since it's going to be an animated story-book type thing, similar to the Neurotically Yours episode "Writer's Block" each scene is actually a piece of artwork that needs to be scanned, colored, and so on. It's more time consuming than having set character models to move around in a animation program. It'll get done, but just barely. Still have to record voice overs and all that fun stuff. Kinda hard to focus on Halloween when it's 100 degrees outside -_-