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Apparently the Patreon Rewards were so far back in the posts, that Patreon deleted them. Folks have been having trouble finding them, Sorry about that. Just kinda thought they would be there :/

So here's tier one! TY!

Changes. I have no idea where the Squirrel Apocalypse Coupon is, so until I track that down, I added a Cut & Fold Pauline Craft Toy! Will add the Coupon art when I find it. (It's on a hard drive somewhere) 



I hadn't seen the Foamy cut out in so long; so long that the kids grew up and don't use the Shrinky Dink kits anymore. Moooohahahah, I will try and get you an image when I get my plastic spring mounted fuck you, tailgating asshole sign made and mounted. In my head, it has a switch, probably going to use the rear windshield wiper controller since it can't seem to properly remove water the surface it is married to. ,)