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Even the few times I get to play games, I end up turning it into some sort of work. So there ya go. SAVE D' PUPPIES! (Don't worry, this isn't going to be my new thing. Foamy is first, and I'm still working on cartoons. Seems whenever I post something not-Foamy, people get all crazy and think I stopped making cartoons.)


JiM Plays : Spelunky (Save D' Puppies!) (Foamy The Squirrel)

For those who missed the Twitch Broadcast a few weeks ago, here's the highlights! WE SHALL SAVE THE PUPPIES... well most of 'em. illwillpress.com (Don't worry, I'm still making Foamy cartoons. Seems everyone gets all bent out of shape when I post one of these.


Daniel Thomas Stack

This is one of those videos I don't think ever existed over on NewGrounds. Was there a backup? What was bad about it that it is gone?