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Revised the Straw Poll for Germaine's character. 2 Path choices! (READ THEM CAREFULLY!) http://strawpoll.me/4959248 (Excuse the typos... I'm damn tired)


David Paul

In either case, Germaine will be her own person and personality. The "light path" does not mean "slutting around" (ugh, I feel bad for writing that :( ), in the same way that the "dark path" does not mean "frigidly uptight" (f*** it, if I can upset anyone, I will upset EVERYONE). Choosing to be who you are, rather than what society tells you to be (provided that you are not causing harm or being detrimental to the progress of another person or group) takes great strength.


Personally, I'd say the light path. We've seen her on the dark path already. Girl needs a break! Sides, far as I'm concerned, world'd be better off if most (if not all) took a general "light side" approach. LEAD BY EXAMPLE GERMAINE! LEAD BY EXAMPLE!