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 Stocking up for the impending east coast winter storm... prepare!
(Doodlin’ until the snow buries us all!)  

Depending on how things go here, everything will continue as normal. So a Sunday Twitch stream is still planned. However, we are expected to get anywhere from 3-12 inches of snow/ice. So assuming power stays on, I'll be working as usual. Living in New England has been a mixed bag of weather, so sometimes we "expect" to get a little, and we get a lot, and vice versa. My area in particular seems to be an odd vortex of meteorological inconsistency.


(Oh yeah, for those who care, the above doodle was drawn on paper and colored in on an iPad. I don't really care for the process of coloring on a tablet, so I'm looking for some artsy archival quality markers to color in the large black areas. 'Cause I hate draggin' out the india ink and brushes each time something needs to be dark. I'd rather fill the voids and move on to the next idea.) 




Coffee is the definite thing to stock up on during winter storms. Cool drawing.


I had to zoom in on the image to see Pum'kin Guy making the snarky comment. I saw this thinking, "Wait, Pauline actually SAID something?!"