Dawn gets Lobster Rolls! (chips), Dinosaur shaped nuggets sets the ball rolling for odd dinosaur related movie talk and a thrift store find leads PG to the conclusion, that when it comes to Manga, sometimes, even the Japanese mess it up. illwillpress.com Help Out if ya can, YT Ad rev is hit ot miss these days : PATREON: https://www.patreon.com/jimathers PayPal : https://www.paypal.me/illwillpress or SUPPORT FOR FREE on Twitch through Amazon Prime/Twitch Prime: https://twitch.amazon.com/prime (Follow the instructions and sub at: https://www.twitch.tv/jimathers ) Toss a Follow: TWITTER: https://twitter.com/jimathers FACEBOOK: https://www.facebook.com/illwillpress INSTAGRAM: https://www.instagram.com/illwillpress/ TWITCH: https://www.twitch.tv/jimathers NEWGROUNDS : http://illwillpress.newgrounds.com/ DISCORD : https://discordapp.com/invite/eKN5SxY YOUTUBE : https://www.youtube.com/jimathers MATERIAL SUPPORT: iLL WiLL PrEss Shop: http://illwillpress.com/ Design By Humans Shop: http://www.designbyhumans.com/shop/illwillpress/new/ Amazon Foamy Shirts! https://amzn.to/2uNerQB Digital Comics: https://gumroad.com/illwillpress Music : https://foamythesquirrel.bandcamp.com/ Artwork on Etsy : https://www.etsy.com/shop/illwillpress Streamlabs Merch (Pillow & Hoodies) https://streamlabs.com/jimathers/#/merch Amazon Wishlist (Gifts make me derp, but people have asked for one) http://amzn.to/2tEY3kG