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Yep, during my downtime from screens, recovering from pulled teeth, and other bizarre body things, I put together a printable board game for everyone!

You need 1, 6 sided dice and however much paper it needs to print, it included instructions, pdf, images of the board game (3 stages) and a printable instruction version which also has a mini comic setting up the scenario.

Why not a Foamy game? Well, Foamy is on the board, but I figure Pum'Kin Guy rarely gets an opportunity to have a thing made just for him & Pauline.

Besides, it's a first attempt at a board game for me, so who knows what will happen!

(I did play test it a bit and it seems to work out well, though there's a ton of luck involved)

Enjoy! (Hopefully)





Screw luck! Get me the titanium 12 sided mind control dice Egor!!