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Getting back home to a nice surprise 🥴 Hope you like it!! <3


I redesigned Gregg to look more like a cute dog, a muscular one heh. I like him more now 🥴 (I wonder if I should redesign Marcus to be more Hyena like??? IDK I like his design as is, he's pretty recognizable imo)

I wanted to try my hand on saturated and bold colors this time, they look really good but are hard to work with, it shows my lack of experience with color: I always use de-saturated palettes. Looking at my previous drawings I noticed how pale they are 🥲

I worked these drawings so much heh, and I like the sketches better in terms of flow and expression; there's a lot of that stuff that gets lost when rendering comes into play. Lines are so much nicer and expressive (if done right ofc), it's a strange thing because I think I am doing this heavy rendering just so yall like it more hah, hopefully in the future I'll find a middle ground.




Keep this going what happened next?


I'm not sure! I really didn't think of a continuation forthis, perhaps in the future I will come back to this with fresh ideas 🤔

Asher Tail

This is so hot <3