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Sooo these are the suggestions I'm doing this month! (You all wanted Marcus x Gregg so bad hehehe) + the winner of the reward was already chosen! <3


I have a backlog of suggestions that I'd like to do and that I'm sure you'd love to see (I have saved pretty much all the suggestions you've sent); the thing is, I don't have time to do many each month, and I don't wanna deliver them as only sketches, I feel that'd be a waste of potential, and I also don't want to make only suggestions because I want to work on my own stuff and do studies. 

What I want to communicate is that maybe in the future I will do stuff that was suggested previously, occasionally doing random suggestions I feel like doing, and share doodles/sketches/wips for suggestions that might be finished in the future. 

So don't feel discouraged if your suggestion wasn't picked for the month! I have all of your suggestions saved and all of them are considered, I just need the time to properly do them <3

I don't know how much this will affect polls, because I get so many suggestions that I really don't need to do them to choose what to do. I'd appreciate if whoever is reading this (ily) gave me their perspective on me doing polls and how they feel about me not doing them.

So yeah, that's it for this announcement, I hope you look forward for whatever I will draw this month. 

Thank you all so fucking much 💖




I'm personally fine with whatever you put out, polls or not. It's great to hear you get so many suggestions you like, and I'm totally fine with seeing random ones thrown in with your own personal works.


I agree with Leydon's comment. I don't mind if you do like a voting post with your favorite suggestions and then, when you get out of suggestions maybe do another post to get new ones. Also, whatever you draw is good and I'm here for it, good luck and keep going ♡