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Jake loves teasing Ollie, who always falls for it 🥴🥴🥴 I hope you all like this  <3

i'm sorry for having taken this long, I didn't have much time to draw this month, but I managed to deliver these before the end of the month 🙏

Extra notes:
(I like writing these notes they are like a sort of diary + I can share more insight with those interested)
uhh making comics is really difficult but this was a nice first try imo
The main challenge is telling the story in a way that flows well and captures the feeling. I'd have a hard time doing the previous and next pages for this.
Regarding the quality of the drawings, I have MASSIVE respect for artists who do full rendered illustrations in each panel for a full-fledged comic; that's an incredibly huge amount of work. Thus why I tried doing a manga-ish render, I actually referenced a bunch of manga to keep things simple. What I learned is that you can really communicate everything with only lines and a couple of values. Colors, shadow, and light are useful just to make things look prettier really, at least in the comic creation context. I REALLY like the manga approach, it's just lines + half-tones yet artists manage to create so much quickly.
I think I found a nice middle ground (?) I used half-tones for quick texturing rather than for value placement, given that I used color; working only with lines (without cleaning up or painting) is harder because I had to do quick yet high quality line-art (which I failed to do heh)
I like the drawings I made, the close ups, and the effects. Dialogue is missing, but I thought the story is still "readable" without them and it also looks better imo (and I wasn't sure about what they would say heh)
Anyway, I gotta practice more. It always comes down to practicing and keep drawing; shape language and body language are priorities if I want to create better content similar to this, and do it faster. Maybe in the future I could do a comic...




actually can't keep coming to this like the way his back is arched n shit like LOOOORRRD


this is so hot and theyre soo cute!