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The naughty alts for both Shirakami Fubuki and Kurokami Fubuki.

Pubes and no Pubes in .zips.

I couldnt resist doing Kurokami as well..

Was finally able to sit down and continue working on this. It is slightly less cleaned up and not as alt heavy as usual, but doing it this way will allow me to draw while taking more breaks! 

Having alright progress with physical therapy. It's weird but my back felt a bit worse, tho it seems thats normal at first. Walking helps, so I do that constantly. Thank you very much for your understanding 😇

I should be able to do 2 more drawings this month at a relaxed pace if nothing changes.

Hope you'll enjoy these. Have a nice weekend!✌️🦊



Dr. Adorable

Hope you continue to feel better, boss! Thanks for continuing to give us good work but be sure to keep working on your health!


Glad you've been feeling better and have found a way to draw through it! Fubuki & Kurokami look great! The straps under the shirt are so sexy! Excited to see what else you plan to come up with for the month!!


There are some things i'll need to stop doing that I was used to doing irl, but I want to seriously work on my back 👍Thank you!


Drawing for a short time and then taking break is the sweet spot. A bit irritating, but slowly drawing is better than nothing when health allows as much 😌 Glad you enjoy this piece! Straps and ropes under clothes are amazing. Very mischievous look 😏Thank you!


"Not as alt heavy" as you post a 48 image bombshell of a post. I do get what you mean though. Even though I personally don't really care for the Kurokami alts, I still appreciate that they're there. Rarer to see them these days. Honestly, With the quality of your work, I wouldn't really mind even if you didn't post anything this month and just focused on your recovery. Take care of yourself.


Haha yeah I did find it funny too. It was the Kurokami alts that bumped it to that amount. It's mostly just a recolor at the end of the day 😅And I am taking it very easy this month. Found a sweet spot for working and adjusting it according to my health 😌Still dont want to stop drawing completely. Mostly because I dont want to rust and it helps me relax (mentally). Thank you for the kind words 🙏


Glad you are feeling better, always happy to see more of your art! Shirakami looks great but Kurokami is absolutely adorable! fantastic job mate Take care of yourself and thank you for all the amazing work!