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And so, now much more aware of happenings in the house (and now much more lightly dressed) they move off, in search of their colleagues!  Zeeb, meanwhile, has been doing his job, watching both the ships and diligently monitoring the ladies' progress...  wait a minute, no he's not!  He's doing... something else.  A personal project?  During work hours?!?!  Seriously, who does he think he is?!?  Hopefully for his sake, this doesn't get reported to HR...

Oh, wait - he is at least motivated to now enter the house and render assistance.  It is important that he assists in the current situation...  right? 




Oh, so Zeeb is an author 🤓

Xander Grogan

am i right in thinking the two girls are more naked in tier 4? idk


When we last saw them, Ally's panties were around her ankles and Nina's bra was falling off - so I guess in a way they're slightly more dressed now! 😄 It's the same for tier 4, but funny you should mention- there is a full version of this story so far coming very soon for tier 4 only.