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Well, here it is - very happy to present the beginning of another strip fight!  As per the vote, setting is none other than a futuristic gameshow.  Because, really, what other way is there to do it...??

(Also loving that I've been put up to creating a new character here!)

And so we have it.  Gameshow host...  ready!

Contestants...  ready!





Gavin! 🤣🤣🤣 I think I've seen a typo, on the third panel, Lenora says "what am I going here" isn't it supposed to be "doing"? 🤔 PS: so sad that Julie isn't her opponent 😭

Annony Moose

I am really rooting for Elena to have reformed.


Yes, Gavin 😆 Oops... typo! Been a while since I've done one of those! Fixing... And sadly, Julie couldn't make it (she has sexy science to do) but by gun, Rina will do her best to fill her shoes!