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With me soon to be away fro a bit, this week will be less a vote and more of an invitation to you wonderful tier 4 patrons...

What would you like to see??  Post below and I'll use it to inform what transpires each Wednesday once I return...  however as I have to guard against myself becoming utterly overworked as a result of the vivid imaginations I know many of you have, I'll have to set some rules!

  • Single image, 2 characters max
  • You present the idea, give detail as you like- but overall interpretation will be left to me (not to knock your idea as such, just that it makes a very big difference in terms of how much time I need to spend making the image happen)
  • I reserve the rights to divine intervention!  For instance, if someone presents an idea of extra- gendered German cannibal porn featuring inflatable tyre tubes and an overweight cat in a gstring...  I'm probably gonna say no.

So, having said all of that...  fire away!  And I'll see what I can do when I get back.



Random EUF scenarios?


where we vote on the characters