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Whoop, there go their clothes.  Harry and Maude have taken them as part of their nefarious plan...  too bad for the ladies, hopefully it's warm enough in that bar there!



Annony Moose

I can't wait to see how our naked heroines get their sexy, naked revenge.


Damn that escalated quickly 😄 I love how Frankie is wriggling naked on the ground 😂 When I think about it, all of that wouldn't have happened if Pvt Anderson were wearing regular underwear for the underwear inspection 🤔 Hoora for the bunnies!... Oh no, the bunnies! She has to get them back!


Poor Frankie, trying her best to preserve her modesty.


Yes it's a classic case of the bunny effect, isn't it! Er, butterfly effect. No, wait... it IS the bunny effect 😄