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Well.  Last Friday's vote was clear and so it is that Astra does not take a moment for some solo sexy time, instead choosing to investigate the mysterious sound made in the final panel last week.

Turns out she's not alone after all and is definitely not the only customer at Harry and Maude's!  However, these do not seem to be the usual patrons of the establishment...




OMG now there's zombies 😱 When I think about it, all of that started with an underwear inspection 😂 (I love the droplets driping from her panties on the few first panels 😜)


Yeah I thought about that too...! One never knows what will happen when the butterfly effect is in play... (you noticed that, huh? 😜😜)


Haha yes 😄 Well, I think you must know that I pay attention to every details 🧐😄