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And this now completes the round of votes/requests from tier 3 and 4 patrons...  "Let Gavin and Zeeb loose on a bunch of college girls".

Yep, I had fun with this one!  If I ever get the opportunity to unleash an unstoppable goat and inappropriate space droid in this manner...  I will definitely do so!  😁





Oh my god, that's so epic 😆


Awesome! This was your idea, so hope I managed to do it justice (within the confines of this one page format)


Is it a bird? Or a plane? No, wait - two planes? No, hang one -that's one plane shaped like a goat, and the other seems to be a bird, or... some kind of... robot They're coming this way Hey, wait a minute - our clothes... EEEEEEEEEEEEEK 😄


Thhey make such an efficient teamwork! 😄