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Hey guys!  Well, here it is - the last of mt old comics.  I think I was working on this before I moved onto 'the club', which was the start of a change in direction for how I was doing my comics.  As you'll see, I put a lot of work into the black and white contrast work...  it's almost a bit 'noir' style at points, I feel.

The story's name is 'Maximum Security'

Now, as you can see, it has no dialogue!  This was going to be added after - my whole approach with this story was that it was going to combine a number of different scenes I'd imagined (yes, stripping!  Who knew, right...?  😆).

The other aspect is it never got completed.  The story in it's entirety might have been a similar length to 'The Contest' perhaps.  Anyway, I never finished it and I actually don't remember why!  In retrospect, I view this one as a step on the way to developing into my finished 'Stripped' comics.

So, what I recommend:


Now, if someone were to take it upon themselves to actually create some dialogue and apply it to these images...  go ahead!  I'm totally open to that and gee, could be interesting 🤔

Would it be gritty film noir, comedy, daytime soap opera...  or something not even I could imagine...?  Hmmm, just putting it out there 😄




Well that was an interesting comic, very well made! ☺️ I loved the little robotic arms at the prison that stripped their underwear off with the laser, very nicely done 🥰 I'd have been curious to see what happen next ☺️