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A few of you might remember this lady who was causing me some trouble a while ago, when I'd not long launched my Patreon.  Full of zest and opinion, she attempted to declare an embargo on any stripping action and/or declothing actions on women by me as an artist.

Naturally, this presented a problem.

Negotiations ensued and resulted in Amber seeing my side of things as she experienced what I call a 'sudden declothing event' and discovered it wasn't quite so bad after all.

Anyway, here she is - back and fully dressed.  Still no shoes, however.

Now, just in case you're wondering if another 'random declothing event' is about to occur, all I can say is that I've talked to my science team (they're responsible for ensuring the laws of physics always apply in my comics) on the likelihood of such phenomena occurring in this particular instance...  I'm told there's nothing on the radar currently.





Annony Moose

Yay! Amber's such a lovely lady, she always brightens up my day.