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Okay, so in review of October and looking into this month, I'm now trying a different approach.  Last month I got very (very!) little done in terms of any finished comic work.  I think we had some great times and great ideas (Gavin!) but for me it's really, REALLY (really!) about creating my comics and stories.

What I also want is something compatible with being able to keep things coming most days (just because I enjoy running themes)

So this is the approach I'm going to try:

Tier 1:

Sketch art

Tier 2:

Finished lineart/tones

Tier 3:

Finished art

Tier 4:

Full comic pages as they come

I'm interested in how people will find this, feel free to comment here and let me know!



Sounds good to me. As long as you get to keep doing what you love, I'm happy with the changes

Lee Forrester

Whatever makes you happy if it's not fun then it's work


Thanks man. If you do want to get anything done in this world then it does need work - I totally accept that. Just that I need to not be OVER worked...! Definitely not fun then.