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Here it is!  Installments will come roughly every 2-3 days (maybe more some weeks if I get some spare time, who knows!) and where the story goes...  who can say!  Who?  YOU!  That's who!

Installments will range from 1 - 3 panels, depending.

How it works:  Put it your comments!  Based on the number of ideas coming through, I'll roll an appropriate sided dice (I guess at a stretch that limits us to the first 20 comments, doesn't it?)  Numbers will be counted from the first comment to the last (eg first post, 1, second post, 2, etc).  The number rolled will determine which comment wins and that will control what happens in the next installment...

Only one comment per patron!  (if multiple comments, I'll just count the first one thereby nullifying any clever stacking tactics)

If I actually don't get any comments on an installment - well, may that day never come!  For I would become dejected and sorrowful... ☹ (hopefully not - but in such a case I'd just decide something myself 😄 )

I reserve the right to some creative license and the ability to call upon divine intervention if required!  (eg if someone declares that Amber turns into a toilet and/or the FCB suddenly becomes illiterate or forgiving, well I'm gonna just say NOOOoooo...)

If comments aren't super clear about how something will happen, again:  creative license!  It will be left to the powers of my brain...  (you have been warned! 😝 )

And lastly:

This will be for Tier 2 patrons and up.  However, just because it's new...  I'll be sharing the love with all patrons for the remainder of this month.  So, any tier 1 patrons that feel like pitching in their thoughts...  go for it!




It's FBC actually, I think you like having them on your back, don't you? 😆 But that's a great idea, it could be a lot of fun 😊


some snooty lady being forced to choose to strip down to her underwear, so to not ruin her clothes due to X dirty work (can't really think of something at the moment)


HAHAHAHA... oh that's great. I totally might have to do that... if not here, then somewhere... sometime! I can see the standoff already...


What, a bunch of sexy authority women on my case? And I get some infamy as a result...?? HmmmMMMmmm 😜