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Not a lot of time tonight and I have a heap of things to do (going away this weekend) so just a quick one, which I will refine and render up better and then repost.  Thought it might be interesting to share the steps of my process of starting an image all the way up to linework, colouring and shading.

Something else I'm looking at doing as I revise what I'm doing for each of the tiers is that daily content such as this will be shared across all tiers up to rendered sketch stage; Tier 2 and up however will get access to final, fully rendered images

(Tier 1 will still get their share of decent artwork, just that I'm conscious of giving value to why would someone pay for a higher tier)

I'm also considering a 'sketch comic' for tier 2 and 3, sequential panels will be driven by patron comments and thoughts.  This will depend on how I go overall with my time and filling the various requests, etc, but I think this might be fun if I can manage it




Oh that is interesting 😊 I have a sentiment of deja-vu 😛 At least this time the ladies are allowed to undress by themselves 😝


Yeah there is a certain club that exists in my head Actually very is a veeeeeery old comic I did once about this club... I might even just share it here as some bonus content at some point for my tier 3 patrons....