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I do this a bit; get random scene ideas in my head and draw them out - sometimes it's a whole sequence, sometimes just a single image (like this one here) and then I work out how it would come to be, where does it go, etc.  The current story in the Stripped comics happened very much in this way, I slowly brought some rhyme and reason and a story to thread it all together.

My idea on this so far - while on patrol in combat gear, she finds her friends stripping naked in, shall we say, an altered state of consciousness.  They approach her and don't let her leave.  As she starts to struggle, they hold on to her and start to remove her combat gear.  She puts up a fight and they pin her down.  Struggle continues as they focus on undoing her pants and getting them down - once this happens, they start rubbing her through her panties and she's completely unable to resist.  From there they proceed to undress her further as she's edged more and more towards orgasm...




Oh I love that idea!!! 😍


It's actually really hard not to go there - I find myself saying 'fleshed out' many times..! :D Yeah, totally agree. I reckon there's something about women + uniforms + OFF (that's an official equation provided to be by Cambridge university, by the way...) that I love, too! Women becoming vulnerable as they're stripped of their authority...


You guys will get to see a bit of this in upcoming issues soon... but yes I have plenty more ideas and scenes to flesh out* more beyond that... (*oh no I did it again)