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For Tier 3:

  • Work is underway on the requests and by this stage everybody should have at least a rough by now.  Looking forward to the showcase of this at the end of the month!
  • Bonus content for Tier 3ers will also be coming in towards the end of this month.
  • Monthly poll where you will have the opportunity to perhaps...  influence me a little!  No promises, but hey I value your input and anything's possible.  I've certainly been 'influenced' a little so far, the evidence of which will be seen as I work on things!  (Hey it takes time to produce stuff, doesn't it!)

Also, I've put a cap on this tier at 10 Patrons.  This is out of necessity and so I can stay within my limits, therefore being able to deliver on content for this tier while maintaining some sanity...

For Tier 2:

  • Monthly mini comic is in progress and should be coming soon, let's say an etc at this stage of mid month.
  • Sneak peeks will continue as I work on future projects!

If we get to the point where tier 3 is full and more patrons are coming onboard (which is highly likely a this stage, I think) I'm considering a 'sketch comic' for this tier which will be somewhat interactive and probably a lot of fun.  This will be dependent on how I go with some things, but let's see.

For Tier 1:

  • content and updates as usual
  • You guys will get to see the requests showcase at the end of the month.

It's all about that peek, huh...?  ;)

Anyway, thanks again to everyone for being onboard and it's great to have you here :)



10 person limit, glad I got in early (although honestly in all seriousness, I'm surprised you're not charging more for tier 3 (also thank you for that))


To tell you the truth, for the work I'm doing I'm not charging enough at all! This means it's a really good deal for you guys XD This was me setting some initial prices and then people jumping straight in before I knew what I was doing! In all honesty I will have to review the prices and what I'm offering for each tier, but for now, yeah... probably a great deal for everyone haha