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Next week...  Audrey has gotten the job! No more searching! No more Madame and her shoes! No more unscheduled goat attacks (hopefully!) No! because now she is...

       -- contractually obliged to work for Q.W.E.R.M. --

Uh oh, hopefully that's not as ominous as it sounds. I mean, it's okay to sign over to something you're not completely informed about... right?

And tomorrow...  popular vote has demanded that Rita and Nora do not get off lightly for their pranks and mischievousness! No!! Commander Neera's duty is clear... the reprimand shall continue!

(But will it go as planned?)




Oh my, all of that sounds promising 😊 "Unscheduled goat attacks" 😆 I love it 😆


Hehe - impromptu, unscheduled... specifically random. That's Gavin. Gavin! Gavin! Gavin the unSTOPPABLE goat...! 🎸 🎷🎵🎶