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Tomorrow... Nora attempts revenge on Rita. What more needs be said? And it'll probably work... right?!?!

And next week - Audrey gets a new job! Well... maybe... it all depends on the interview, right? Because that's how it works, right?!? (I'm saying 'right' a lot here. I know, RIGHT? 😄)

Potential employment with Q.W.E.R.M....? Let's see how she does!




Wait, is Audrey in her underwear already? 🤣


Well, I can't possibly tell you that! What kind of creator would I be, just giving everything away a the drop of a hat...?! Plus, it's only a sketch. I might have done the lines wrong... you can't possibly decipher... Yes 😁

Annony Moose

Is that Maude, from Harry & Maude?