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Tiny Water™ haha.

Not even lying, our city went under a boil order this week because one of the main pipe lines broke and the city was to boil any water before using or consuming in case of contamination.

Needless to say, I drank a shit ton of these tiny ass waters and there are so many bottles everywhere.

Magical Pink Panda

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Testing out a new water colour colouring style with the brush I've been using for all of my sketch work, it makes good lineart and I can colour with it too I've discovered.

Not really an authentic water colour but it gives that same feel.

Just pandas

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Some carry over's from last week I forgot to post! Just the sketch and lineart to my finished 2017 panda drawing.


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Finished picture of a sketch I shared a couple months ago!

Snowboarding Wolf

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A bigger picture in the making! Wanted to go for a very dynamic, in your face up in the air feel.


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An Alolan Meowth in a tux. I'm sharing this with you all because I thought it was cute haha.

Tarke Badge

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We all know this tiger! Badge I did for Tarke, I may do more like these later, this was incredibly fun to draw!


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A few icons I've completed this week that I'd like to share with you guys too, I think you saw the earlier sketch phases of these a while back.

And that's it for this week, a bit of a chunky update, but a good update with some finished pieces. Next week should be a bit more focus on my own stuff again, I just had a few other things to take care of this week.

Thank you all for the support, and have a wonderful week coming.



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