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That's what this week is; pandas! 100% panda inside and out for this post. The world only needs one Tairu... Multiple would be scary. Hope you enjoy all the pandas, I've been hitting some mega inspiration lately for T's look...


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Won't lie, I had to really shake off the rust with this one haha!

So these will all be in chronilogical order, I've been tampering with Tairu's look again; not super satisfied with how he looked but felt it was on the right track.

Basically I wanted to make him more 'panda' to 'as panda as possible.' With his new design I showed in September, he's been purely just panda, no other animal so I thought he needed a bit more of a push design wise to really show it. So I started out with these, which are mostly muzzles!


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Experimenting with bodies yet again... giving him more noticable shoulders and thicker thighs. I looked at a lot of pandas and standing pandas for reference. At this stage I figured he was coming along nicely.

After getting up, clearing my head and sitting back down a few hours later I felt it needed another push... wasn't completely satisfied in the end which leads me to the next picture.

We're in buisiness!

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I marked the ones I ended up liking with green dots. I was starting to get a better feel for the bear after a lot of draw overs/re-draws and studies of panda heads. The ones I marked with a red x are more-less the rejects.

I wanted to make sure there were no tangets or hiccups in his design. Something I felt was present in the last one, especially around the ear and cheek zone. It flows more naturally now and his ears are way more perky!

You'll notice his neck is now a gradient of dark fur into his creamy white fur. My reason for that was I always had an issue with his colours deviding. It looked like he was wearing a sports bra with his black chest and the solid line deviding his neck and upper chest. (As a side note, it'll be a lot easier for him to wear clothes without having to worry about line tangents around his neck and collar of the shirt.)


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Speaking of, he's wearing a shirt now. It fixed so many problems I had with collars when he wore shirts and I wish so badly I thought to do that sooner but oh well haha.

His face is an onion shape! Since his face is composed of many circles, I wanted to make his entire face a big circle filled with tinier circles. You'll see more of a break down in the next part.


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Lots of red lines, what are they for haha.

Sorta just tracing my own drawing to show what I mean by circles. Wavey... thick and round/square body... not to go overboard with just one shape, some other shapes are required to sorta bring it all together, or at least that's what I've been hoping for! Thick, stout and something you can just...hug is what I was aiming for. Still a ways yet though, I need to get a better grip on the side view.


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One of my favourite things about bears, is how they do this little thing with their arms and tuck it in... It's so damn adorable and i feel this is something he should do often haha! Big floppy paws are important too.

My final, and most current stab at Tai. I'll be drawing him 'fully clothed' soon enough. For now I'm just thinking about how he'll look from different angles, poses and how well his newer face expresses. I wanted something easy to draw, and flexible so I can get really weird and animated expressions without sacrificing anything.

What a read, eh!?

Cookies for you if you managed to read all that. Just spewing out my thoughts, is all and that's what we're here for right? All that thought process and inside dirtywork to get to the finished drawing.

Thanks for the support and comments are VERY appreciated, I love to hear it! *bearhugs* have an amazing weekend, everyone.



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