W.I.P - Azeroth Beauties (Patreon)
2016-08-02 20:01:56
First approach to this illustration in curretly working on.
At first was going for a undead backround style (beacause of sylvanas) but it just wouldn suit that much for the topic i was looking for. So i decide on going on eversong woods since its a beautiful elven place and never draw it before.
Characters from left to right:
- Valeera Sanguinar
- Sally Whitemane
- Sylvanas Windrunner
Mount choosen: Warlock´s DreadSteed.
This is quite big illustration compared on what i use to draw, but it was something i had in my mind long time ago and wanted to go for it.
- Details and water/wet effects will come with the painting
This is the last artwork for August collection and will be delivered along with all other artworks produce during that month to all sucesfully supporters between the 5th and 10th of august.
Updates on this: withing the next 2 days.