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Another month has gone quicker than i thought.

Again i would really like to  thank  all of you for supporting me this last month. 

It has been a very busy and wierd this last weeks since i have not stop working 1 sec.  and its nice to see that the quantity of  artworks  has grown double since i first arrive here (at first i  only made 4 artworks a month now its 8 :)!!! ).

This is only posible because all of you, the people that support me here, that ask me commissions. even the people  that just send me comments or suggestions on where to improve or what characters to draw.

Im very happy to say that im more motivated than ever. and im aware that i still need a lot of improvement as i was reviewing this last artworks i made durng may.

THere have been some improvements in some areas and some flaws in others but im willing to double the efforts and produce even more quality art :).


First i want to say a few things just in case new people come here and decide to join and support.

- Updates: I usually make updates  withing 2 or 3 days- Since im always working i cant really make updates every day.

-Stream: There will be more streaming . Each month i will make 1 or 2 streams of some of the artwoks im going to expose here. I do have some in mind for this month :), 

-Delayed artwork: Usually i deliver  the rewards on the 5th but since im producing more than when i first arrived, it can sometimes be delayed 2 or 3 days. So i as said ina  previous post, artwork will be delivered between the 5th and 10th of each month.

-Ultimate Pinup Supporter tier: There is 1 slot open on the maximun tier if someone is interested.


Self Critique:


As i been reviewing all past artworks i made in the last months there are  lots of things i still need to improve and things i would like to do. 

Perspective or POV is something i definitly  need to work in order to not always say in the same camera angle. so im going to try some  experiments this months with some personal artwork and see how it turns.


Overwatch Special


When i have some free time i like to enjoy  some videogames  and this last week i had tried overwatch and i definitly like the game and the characters ( i only knew them before  by artwork only but being able to play with them makes me feel in the mood of making some personal artwork of them).

I will be featuring 1 female character  each month with 1 or 2 artworks 

starting this month.

Most probably it will be something Erotic related, maybe Adult +18 content.


Monthly Raffle


As always im going to make another post for the monthly raffle wich will take place on monday 13th  (it cant be the 10th since i wont be at home).




Im not really sure how many of you supporters are interested in tutorials but since  have made some process/tutorial related this last month, if you have any feedback you would like to give me via private message will be very helpful

More Specific tutorials will come in time.

Thanks again


Felox :)
