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Hi everyone

Just doing a re cap as usual for the next batch deliver.

Files will be delivered on April 5th aprox.    after the pledges are done being procesed as usual so , just in case, keep an eye on it if just in case you have a decline status, so you dont miss it.

A friendly reminder (due to recent news wich can be found ---HERE---)

New terms will no longer arrive on gumroad so the best way to get these is either joining before april 5th or with Tier 7 if you join after that

Rotational Art for this month (includes alt and nsfw files)

  • Tier5: Sorceress + Black Cat

  • Tier 6: Sorceress + Black Cat + Faye Valentine

  • Tier7: All art displayed.

    New stuff will arrive in a few days as im thinking/doodling characters

    Thank you all for all the support and love!!





Im a tier 4. What does that mean? Wasnt listed so im curious. Unless its the same as tier 5


Tier5/6/7 had Discount for Gumroad shop. Due to reasons i explained earlier. Im replacing those Discounts for direct extra art here


Will my NSFW purchases disappear from my library in gumroad?


From all i know it will make unavailable to make sells or purchase for content that contains nsfw. If gumroad has some sort of cloud where you storage all the stuff you got - im guessing it will be safe. Since i dont owe the site i cant really tell. I would suggest sending an email to the gumroad admins . However i would make a backup into a hardrive just in case if i were you.