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The main event commences! 

Also, for everyone who thought the oral scene was too short, I'll draw more of that before the end of the comic. Dipper has more than 1 or 2 rounds in him ;)

I'll have some sketches and goodies coming up soon, thanks for the support everyone! 




Oooh! Awesome!


Good to know Dipper will be very lucky :D

Beachside Bunnies

Getting into the really interesting pages now, can't wait for the next one :o


Once again, I really love Wendy's poses in this page! Out of curiosity, are you a fan of hentai-style dialogue during the sex scenes in comics, or do you like cheesy porno dialogue, or do you prefer to let the action speak for itself? "Also, for everyone who thought the oral scene was too short, I'll draw more of that before the end of the comic. Dipper has more than 1 or 2 rounds in him ;)" Yesss excellent! I can totally picture Wendy giving the classic "here, let me clean it up for you with my mouth~"


Glad you like the poses! I'm still kinda figuring out what works for me in terms of the writing, but I think I like the hentai-style dialogue best. Writing is definitely something I need to work on more. Let me know if you have suggestions!


I just read a crapton of hentai and familiarize myself with the dialogue and the tropes, lol. But beyond that, I try to put myself in the shoes of the characters, get into their mindsets, and imagine what they would say or think in those specific moments. Like in this page, I imagine what this is like for Dipper; from his perspective, he's been crushing on Wendy and fantasizing about her for 6-7 years, and now he's moments away from losing his virginity to her. He could be exploring her body with his hands, making comments about her figure, talking about how much he's wanted her, etc. Wendy could be trying to justify her actions in her head, thinking "Well he's gotten so cute, and I know he likes me, and it's just the flower making me do this, so it's okay... right?" Maybe the flower is messing with their cognitive thinking, so their thoughts are more scattered or simple? I dunno, those are just a couple of thoughts running through my head, lol.