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We got domme Black Pearl and a grown up Connie who joined up with the Diamond Dogs from Metal Gear Solid 5!



The Mushroom Mutant

If I have the patreon tier where i get a sketch commission and i don't ask you to draw anything, i can ask for a pic with two characters right? Does that mean i could instead ask for two pics with one character each?


Yup! You can combine 2 months' commissions into a 2-character piece or get 2 individual pieces :D


Bro first off 2 great pics..... However Connie can't have that gun MGSV takes place in 1984 whereas the FN SCAR was not designed till 2004 so a full 20 years. Great pic though just the gun/historian part of my brain had a small fit.


Good catch! I used a MGS soldier pic as a reference for the gun, but it must have been from one of the games with a modern setting. I forgot MGS5 takes place in the 80s!


as a connoisseur of quality pearlsonas i give black pearl the PearlSona Seal of Approval™