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I've gotten some really good suggestions from patreon members regarding the poster before, so I wanted to give everyone a last chance to help spot anything that should be fixed or improved before the art gets sent off to the printers. I don't want to make any major changes to the overall layout, but if anything looks kinda off or something, let me know because I'd rather fix it now than regret it later.

Anyways, a good recent suggestion was to maybe offer versions with different logos. Does anyone prefer the official logo? What about the Japanese logo? Let me know if you think any of these should be available.  




You could also add an alternative version with the main title and the Japanese one slightly smaller above the main title. Just an idea, also I can't find anything wrong with it so I think you are good.


This is Peridot by the way


I like the regular SU title


Im really trying my hardest to find something wrong with this lol, like, dude, its so gooooood. One tiny note is that i looove how rose is almonst unnoticeable, though her lip might be too light and desaturated, i suggest a darker and more vibrant pink (not TOO dark or vibrant though, just dark enough that its distinguishable from her skin tone)


Also i know you told me you wanted to do a limited color palette version, that might go really well with the japanese logo


The only thing sticking out to me is Ruby. Her eyes are too oval and vertical. Other than that it's perfect! I've always loved your style with Pearl.


I really like it with the official logo. Does anyone else think it’d look good in poster/print form with a small black border around it to bring it to more frameable dimensions? Also what size are you going to be offering it in?


So awesome!


i think its 18x24, which is pretty standard poster size, so i dont think a black border is necessary


Another comment after looking at it for a while: stevens mouth might be too far to the side of his face. it doesnt have to be perfectly parallel to his nose because i understand the stylistic choice, but id move it a bit of a ways closer so its less distracting


Try and sneak in the sun Incinerator. I really like that plot line right now and if they don't use the ship imma be sad maybe over on the left opposite the van

Dmitry Pavlyuchenkov

Can't find any flaws. Have you considered adding a small Cat Steven?

Patrick Hughes

I just noticed that Bismuth's face seems to be a bit flat? But other that that it's perfect


I prefer the official logo, the other seems too spaced out and blocky. The image as a whole looks perfect to me, I find the strong colours more appealing than the desaturated version.


I agree on the official logo, think it looks best. The whole poster looks great!


Seems like the official logo is pretty popular! I'll make sure to offer a version with it