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Let me wish everyone a happy new year in case some leave before 00:00 US time. I'll be wrapping up all delayed updates for December by next week and to those who are canceling before these updates are published, I'll be sending them to you by DM. Unfortunately many things went south since October and so I've been struggling to get back in pace, but I foresee that everything will be smooth again in the early weeks of January. 

It's been a much better year than 2021 for me and I hope it's the same for all of you. Things didn't go exactly as I wanted as I realized that my 'clean model' of femfight works makes me a starving artist, and unfortunately I had to do more 'dirty' things like boob punching and in the case of my non-boxing stories, panty shots and facesitting. But considering that my works have consistently ranked top 10 bestselling in ebook stores, despite not showing nipples AND being compared with the sales volumes of other prominent artists who do nudity, is to me a sign of approval from the audience.

The bonus stories are very fun to do and I wish I'd started doing them earlier. It's a good way for me to showcase more of the cast more often, and I get the feeling that it's satisfying for some or even many because the ending comes much sooner unlike the main stories. If I have the time and means I'll surely want to lengthen these stories or insert more alternate angles to add more volume to these monthly freebies. 

Storyline-wise, I'm getting to the core of the main boxing plot soon as you may already have noticed. This should've been done a lot faster though, and due to inexperience and a very tumultuous 2021 many things were delayed. With the main characters like Letoya, Eun-Ha, Ashley and whatnot converging, all will be made clear. Meja's light-hearted subplot will also get more development and complexity - at first I was hesitant to create a proper storyline since she is not a boxing character, but I've decided to let the audience make what they want out of it, and generally my boxing viewers aren't into catfights so the confusion won't be that great.

Thanks to all of you for supporting me all this while and making the dream of self-employment still a possibility. Expect more content and freebies in 2023, and I hope this page can bring some relief to all the turmoil and instability we've been experiencing in the recent years.


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