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Hi again!

Ohhh I've been a little busy bee over here; with spring in full force, I've been doing a lot of gardening! Every summer I grow food in my tiny backyard in the city I live in, but I also have 27 acres of farmland that I'm ACTUALLY planning to do some planting on this year. I'm thinking some big patches of sunflowers and maybe pumpkins! I'm sure it'll be a challenge, but I'll let you know how things go :) Do you have any summer hobbies you are looking forward to?

As usual over here; there will be lots of content coming up to look forward to!

Audios I'm working on for May:

Free Release: Goth Minotaur Barista Bullies Her Favorite Customer
This is it. You’re finally going to ask out the intimidating barista, the one who keeps brushing her massive Minotaur breasts against you when she gives you your latte. Only, she looks like she’s getting ready to go to some kind of concert after her shift, dressed up in black, looking especially scary. And are those wet spots on her shirt? You’re about to learn exactly how she makes her special drinks.

May 13th:
Exclusive SFW: That Time The Spider You Rescued Made You Itsy Bitsy
You’re not quite sure how, but suddenly you’ve found yourself between  the cushions of your own couch. Lost with the loose change and the  crumbs. But you hear a voice, a friendly voice! Is that spider you  rescued last week here to rescue you?

Exclusive SFW: The Continuation of the Vampire Hunter Series - Okay; we are ALMOST at the end of this one, and I will admit I've been dragging my heels a bit on the last few episodes - but they're still on my list, and I will have another few coming out this month. I post the SFW stuff every Monday

For Quickie & Audio Archive Members:
Free-Use Lawyer Opens Her Own Practice
The Free Use lawyer was fired from her old firm. Not to worry, though. She’s opening her own practice. In a strip mall. Which is not going very well. But if you agree to be her first solo client, she’ll make it worth your time. You do know what free use means, don’t you...?

For Just Audio Archive Members:
May 8:
A Beautiful Mermaid Grants Your Last Request
This takes place during WWII after submarines start going to war... Mermaids are having a busy year! Their job is to locate and comfort, drowning / trapped mariners in the Pacific Ocean. You're a sailor trapped inside the nose of a sunk submarine who is doomed to die. You wake up to a young mermaid who is here to comfort you before your oxygen runs out...

May 22:
You Like My Anklets? Want To Cum On Them? *With 2 Endings
You're a regular at the beach-side bar, but you aren't there for the food. The cute waitress is always sweet and flirty with you! It's not her summer dress or her legs or her toes... You can't keep your eye off her ankles. There's so much jewelry on them too, there's lots to look at! She enjoys your company so much, she finds an opportunity to invite you to her place after her shift... 

The vote for May's Fan Suggested free audio will be out tomorrow :D


Nick R. Kupila

Woo gardening time. Weather's been crap here between all four seasons over the week. Hope yours is more stable. Not sure for summer hobbies this year as my work schedule is buggered do to a major project. Hoping to experiment with something in the kitchen; though i don't know what