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Hello Everyone!

I don't post a lot of major updates, but I wanted to get everybody up to speed on where i'm at regarding projects, commissions, and also my current health which has suddenly become pretty important.

To get the big thing out of the way, i've been dealing with some sudden health complications along with a major surgery coming up fairly soon, though the two aren't directly related. For about the past week, i've been having trouble breathing, notably feeling a constant shortness of air and struggling to take deep breaths. It's not covid, I got both the immediate and PCR tests done and both came back negative. Its been slowly improving to the point where today was mostly pretty okay! though I started struggling again just a few hours ago. Its not emergency level, I haven't felt a need to go the ER, but I was bed ridden for the majority of this past week since I was constantly winded and light headed, which caused some serious delays in work. After fighting with getting my new insurance set up, i'm finally going to see the doctor on Monday, which will hopefully put an end to this issue. As for the surgery, i'm preparing to get my bottom wisdom teeth pulled which are both completed impacted (literally grew in sideways, i'm not joking its almost a perfect 90 degree tilt) and that's going to put me out of commission for at least a week as well. I don't have a set date for when that surgery will happen, though i'm expecting it to be sometime in August 😓 Don't stress about me, i'll be fine, just wanted to give clarity as to why output this past month has been kind of slow!

As for current projects, I have a comic commission in the works at the moment along with sorting out the next big batch of commissions which the sketches for should hopefully go up tomorrow! I still plan on doing at least one sketch request stream this month, though i'm working towards getting two done this month and every month afterwards if possible!

Now for future projects! As you know, "It's A Date!" has been really slow coming out, and that is 1000% just my fault. To be completely honest, I think I bit off more than I can chew with such a big project so early on in my full-time-artist career. I've loved making all these short form 3-4 page comics, they're a lot of fun and you all seem to love them too, and so i've been putting my attention more towards them, but that doesn't justify the lack of attention i've been giving to the big boy comic, and for that i'm terribly sorry.

I want to reapproach that big project and evaluate what will actually make it both enjoyable to work on, and quality content that you all can appreciate, along with a steady output 🥴 It might be that I just need to take some time and get the rest of the project all sketched up and prepped for real work, or maybe I can take another crack at it and work my way towards an actually solid long form project! I'm honestly not sure which would be the best approach, but I wanted to make sure you knew that I haven't forgotten about it and I do really want to get it done and out there!

anyways, this was REALLY long, but TL;DR i'm a little sick at the moment, getting that checked out. I've got stuff in the works, coming down, and I intend on getting real work done on the sky/voki big boy comic soon!

Thank you all so SO much for your support, I started doing art full time a little over a year ago now and it's seriously changed my life and I cannot thank you all enough for the love and support you've given me. I want to make good on my promises, I want to give you all quality content, and I want to keep growing and improving as an artist.

Hope you have a great rest of your weekend!! 💙💙💙


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