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Hello y'all! I don't know how much of these I'll end up doing but I wanted to do at least one since it's been about a month. And there's a bit over a hundred of you all! Regardless of how long you plan on sticking around, thanks so much for supporting me! I just wanted to mention some potential ideas I have for this account in the future:


I've mentioned this one on my twitter a while back, I'm just going to be drawing cat characters for the month of november. Feel free to request some cats for me to draw!

Patreon OCs:

I still need to think more about this one, but the basic idea would be OCs generated through ideas from you guys, and some pieces involving them

(polls? picking features based on most liked comments? i still gotta think about how im gonna do this one, but it sounds fun so i really want to)


Prior to opening this acc I thought that doing polls may be too daunting... but I think it's pretty doable now! I'd probably make them monthly or something. We'll see! I'm thinking about Fanart polls, and Continuation polls. Fanart polls can be characters from official media or OCs from twitter. Continuation polls would be a poll that determines further sequences on older pieces! I'll still need to think about how I'll go about picking ideas for both. Maybe I'll just ask you guys for ideas haha

I probably won't implement these ideas till later (mainly because of Nyavember) but I just wanted to share some ideas I had with yall! If you have any ideas regarding the ideas above, feel free to mention them! Thanks again!




Pitching for Nyavember I'd definitely say Hanekawa, and a very specific choice. The artist and doujin author Jun did a catgirl for his first Animal Girl Hotline doujin, and she has a fat ass and only wears socks and a shirt. I don't think I need to say more.

Kuru Oh

i have black hanekawa on my list, but i didn't know about the other one; learned her name is nia! i'll add her to the list as well


Can we get some more Iris, Peony and V.V.? Love these characters the most!