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I've been through the worst time of my life, my family took me to emergency, I suffer from depression, they did a lot of exams to me and I'm fine, healthy as a teenager, I don't drink or smoke, I think that helped. I've support lots bad symptoms throuout the years, but what finally broke me is constant dizziness. I'm taking lot of pills now,  they're helping me but the dizziness is still there, it's hard to do anything when you feel like that but I'm still figthing. I suspended last month charge for that reason, I thought I was a goner but I think I can still do my job. Thank you.



I am glad that you are doing fine. No problem on the suspended month. Take as much time to recover. :D


Que bueno que regreso y tengas tu salud! Eso me precupo bastante!🙏🥺🤩


Please take care of yourself above all else. Your health and well-being should be priority. Get well soon!