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You, mtfk. Don't tie this again, or I will have to contact RNGesus. 3 days polls. No multiple choices. There can only be ONE!


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No matter who wins, we all win.

The thing

#safe (Kunaboto) Princess Zelda vote Nr.1 <3


Guys, I still see 50-50


I start to think that this is intentional


I'm just curious is there a boost in number of patreon after this poll have launched considering there were only 62votes for the top2 in the last draw where we might get duplicate votes


Let's do [santa] Female Student Hypno (彼女催眠) – Tenryuji Koto, they can't tell the winner. . .don't waste time on this. let's choose number three.


nope, It's just that last time they have 20 choices. And this time only 2. Less choice means easier to choose. That's all.

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if it ends up being a tie again maybe just flip a coin

The thing

sigh..... and #1 was in the lead like 20 min ago someone in here are tyrants i say!