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I've finished the first trial project. Now it's not perfect, I am trialling through these and I've already learnt a ton of new things to improve on the next. Sound isn't included for now, as previously mentioned, I'm planning to potentially sound engineer it sometime this month/or the next, when I'm less busy.


You can also find this in the collection in Animations/Blender Animations/TRIAL PROJECTS/Project 1 - Prank Gone Wrong Anim...


It is an animation based on the Commission Series 'Prank Gone Wrong', in particular the first part (Commission #25)

List of things learnt and to improve on:
- Timing/Keyframe Placement (So some parts may seem a little quick between the transitions, so hopefully I can time it right so it doesn't seem to quicklike.)

- Camera Work (This sorta fits in with the first point, my camera work can be a little quick or slow so I'll be working to improve on that as well, hopefully should be okay in the animation project.)

- Intensity (The Animation or more specifically, the 'Action' bit may seem a little underwhelming, that won't be the case for the next animation.)

- Smoothing Keyframes/Posing (Some bits are lowkey 'robot-like' and bit too stiff, I'm aiming to mess around so there are some imperfections and hit the graph editor a lot more this time to make it more human/natural like.)

- Rendering/Lighting Settings (It does seem a bit blurry due to denoising so I'm looking to improve that by increasing samples and touch a little with the lightpaths so rendering won't take an extremely long time and perhaps avoid fireflies/noise without sacrificing the overall quality of frames.)

- Sound (Without a doubt, sound is a massive part of what makes an animation. I am looking to sound engineer my own projects, they won't all be 'library' material, so I'll be studying thoroughly into that.)

- Facial Cues (Emotion is everything, I wanna avoid making it completely lifeless so I am currently experimenting with shape keys/imported in expressions from DAZ to allow me to rig facial expressions on all model meshes.)

- More Physics (I may have been a little too careful with the intensity of Aya's jiggleness... I'm already looking to experiment with some settings, and also try out some new plugins that I was given to probably do the job better than I would manually.)

- Colouring Levels/LUTs (The colour grading might need a little looking at since I've never really post-processed an animation before, as I've usually had to focus on 40-50 renders and post-process them all individually in photoshop without issue, I'm certainly not doing that for potentially 1000+ frames, so I'll be experimenting and what not through Blender compositing and DaVinci Colour system.)

I know there's probably hella things to improve on/or work on for the next project, and might have missed a few important points that you figure would be important to mention so feel free to leave any feedback, I would definitely appreciate it!

I will be working on the next project, there should also be some shorts/commissions coming out soon. FN3 development will also be getting start this month!

More updates soon!






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Really good, would like it if it were a touch brighter. It might just be my screen though.