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First of all, my apologies for keeping quiet on here so I thought I'd update you with the latest right now.

At the moment, I'm working on a short and a couple commissions. I'm basically done with the Lucy/Ai short and one commission so far, just finishing touches and captions remain. I hope to have uploaded them by this weekend.

The short comic was made via Blender and as we're still somewhat experimenting, it might seem a little mediocre compared to other works, however you can be the judge of that :)

I will start making plans for Part 2 of the new series Plan B.R.E.E.D soon and I have a few more shorts on the queue as well. 

As for Friendly Neighbours 3, I kinda put that on hold for now until I get a GPU upgrade. I'm rocking a 3070 which is more than capable for general rendering but with Daz, VRAM is everything and that's the only bottleneck I'm getting from my current GPU. I'm not that great at Blender so I don't want to make the switch to that just yet for my popular/hyped comics so bear with me on that one, shouldn't be too long I hope. The main reason for the demand in more VRAM is because I wish to expand my comics so I'm extremely limited by the memory of my scenes, most of the time I have to sacrifice quality for memory and it's put me down a lot, because it's not the best that I can give you in which is possible. 

I do constantly upload WIPs on my Twitter and try to keep you updated on that, so if you haven't already, you can follow me on there so you're not kept in the dark over here XD

Other than, I can't thank you enough for your support and it means a lot!





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