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Charlotte is doing her usual workout at her favourite spot in town, mainly because it was quiet and there were hardly any people in there... Until one decided to try it out... Charlotte was not upset in fact she was quite the opposite after a lustful inspection of the voluptuous woman...

(The former scene was a pain in the ass so I decided to scrap it all, even the 3 50 full blown frame animations because I just couldn't finish it and I was not willing to use a cloud server on which I already did at the start only to have issues with lighting, clipping, even server connection issues which had me heated a lot XD so this is the new preview of the comic that is a WIP, this one will also include a nice animation, but that preview will probably be tomorrow since it's not done yet, going to leave this baby on render all night so that happens... Anyway, please enjoy of what's to come!)







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