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Pushing my GPU at the moment with rendering these scenes, I'm trying to keep Charlotte's subdivision render level high so I can keep the body details in High Def (Things like, a more defined tone and retaining the higher quality veins and so forth...)

I've progressed a lot on the animation, it seemed to have synced up much better than the monstrosity that I posted on Twitter, just need to render all the frames and put them all together... To be honest, I'm really not sure on completing this comic for Charlotte at this current time since my capabilities are limited due to the required performance I need to actually render at a high quality and I really don't want to degrade it...So I might wait until I upgrade my card, get some more memory to actually render the scene and go from there, but for now, we'll see if my system can actually handle finishing off the renders without error.

Next comics on my to-do list are; Lucy and Aya Part 2, getting a comic done for the Latina Librarian and finishing off Lucy and Her Professor (Late Art Studies Part 3)

(Apologies for not having the pictures on preview, apparently it classes as Adult content and patreon won't let me post them on a public post so they're attached as uploads instead.)



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